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Slate Roofing Vs Vinyl Roofing – How To Choose The Right Option For Your Home

Natural Grey Slate Roofing is not the easiest thing to install in your home but once you get it installed you'll be glad you decided on it. With a grey slate roof, you can really have a unique look and there's nothing more eye-catching than this type of roof on your home.

The downside is that the grey slate roofing will need to be replaced after about three years of use. That's right – you won't be able to get rid of it until you sell your home. This is why you need to consider this before you decide to go with natural grey slate roofing for your home.

With the grey slate roofing that you're considering, you're likely going to have to pay a little more. It is true that the tiles look like they're in another world, but in reality, they're quite durable. They are also highly resistant to water. The roofing is made of a material that is not easily damaged by weather and they don't crack, chip, or break when you get bad weather in.

Because of their durability, you may want to consider natural grey slate roofing over the installation of vinyl roofing on your home. But this may not be the best choice if you want to save money in the long run. You will find that vinyl is much cheaper over the long run than the slate tiles. If you need to replace the roof soon you'll want to go with vinyl because it lasts a lot longer. This is something that's not possible with the natural grey slate roofing.

Another disadvantage of choosing slate roofing over the vinyl roof is that the grey slate tiles require more maintenance than the vinyl roofing. You'll have to regularly sweep them down and have them cleaned up which is a pain.

If you're ready to go with a slate roof for your home but you don't want to spend a ton of money, you should consider buying slate tiles online. When you buy online you'll be able to get them at rock bottom prices so you won't have to worry about spending too much money to get a good quality roof for your home.

The good thing about a slate roof is that they have a natural look to them, which is something that you can't get with a vinyl or tile roofs. You won't have to worry about painting them or repainting them. If you want your tiles to match your home better than you might want to go with the natural grey slate roofing option.

Now that you've learned all about slate roofing you'll know that you really have a couple of options to choose from when you're thinking about installing a new roof on your home. Choose one and you'll be well on your way to having a new roof that you'll love for many years to come.